Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a tale of two cities....

BLR - namma bengaluru
CHN - singara chennai

BLR - Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam...and some Oriya.
CHN- Tamil, Tamil, Tamil, Telugu....few Hindi, malayalam.

BLR - men and women in road side tea shops
CHN - only Boys and Men in tea shops and Kai yenthi Bhavan. strict no no for girls.

BLR - girl, women smoke in public...fag corner usually visited by all gender.
CHN - only seen in isolated places, ITES, BPO's.

BLR- across all part of city.
CHN- only in t-nagar surrounding.....it was about traffic.

BLR - 35 degree C max, low humidity
CHN - 40 degree C max, high humidity

BLR- Malls, Parks and Pubs
CHN - Malls, Pubs, Entire coastline from marina to mahabs.

BLR- girls - formal shirts and trousers and fridays -only jeans. strict no no churidhar on friday.
CHN - giirls - Churidhar, long skirts and sarees- friday- jeans. strict no no jeans after marriage.

BLR - guys - jacket (rain or shine) , carry backpack. both striclty have an IT logo.
CHN - guys - semi formal, semi casual....jackets ..strict no no.

BLR- pani puri, hot jilabi.
CHN - Vada, Bajji and samosa.


BLR - M.G.Road.
CHN - N.H. Road.

BLR- share cab.
CHN - share auto.

BLR - sweet sambar and chutni.
CHN - sweet only in sweets.

BLR - Royal challengers
CHN - SUper KIngs !!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. -- feel free to add more or correct.

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